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About Me

On the more professional end, I am a game programmer with strengths in AI and Systems Development. I have a deep enjoyment in problem solving when it comes to creating efficient and robust system which behave logically. This is roughly how I came to also work with AIs, since they are a very interactive system with a lot of logic and require a lot of thought to create.

On a personal level, I enjoy finding new music to listen to while I work. These tracks can span multiple genres, from various styles of metal, rock, electronic, orchestral, and nonstandard instruments. In this same vein I like my games like I like my music, various and numerous. I find maintaining a decent grasp on various game genres keeps things fresh. This also helps me analyze games and understand them on a theoretical level, so I can work effectively on most titles.

As for other hobbies, Table Top Role Playing Games are a big part of my life. I have been a Dungeon Master for since early high school. The hobby speaks to me a lot since while I am very analytical and math oriented, I also having a background in theater and art. TTRPGs are an excellent way to bring those two disparate halves together onto common ground.

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